Steven Wright | Greene County News

Everyone stands at attention as the national anthem is performed to begin the fair.

Scott Halasz | Greene County News

This young lady gets ready for the spoon race.

Scott Halasz | Greene County News

What are you looking at?

Scott Halasz | Greene County News

Fair competitors wait to show their dairy heifers.

Scott Halasz | Greene County News

The egg toss is one of the more popular events at the fair.

Scott Halasz | Greene County News

Who you calling a turkey?

Steven Wright | Greene County News

The infield was packed as usual in anticipation of the kiddy and senior calf scramble events to kick off the fair.

Steven Wright | Greene County New

Is the fair open? Then it’s a great time to chow down on some fair food.

Steven Wright | Greene County News

Residents and fans filled the grandstands Sunday event to get in view for the calf scramble event.

Steven Wright | Greene County News

Youngsters who may want to compete in the calf scramble in future years got a front row seat of the action.

Steven Wright | Greene County News

It’s never a bad time to get some ice cream. It will be a popular attraction this week with temperatures and humidity expected to be high.

Fair photos.