Photos by Ethan Charles | Greene County News

Contestants are lined up for the judge.

Alexa McQueen was given the championship trophy by Fair Queen Runner-up Karissa Allen.

Alexa McQueen walks off with her trophy, head held high.

Each championship contestant had to run a new route with their horse.

XENIA — 13-year-old Alexa McQueen took home the championship trophy this year at The Western and Fun Horse Show, but it wasn’t her biggest trophy.

“I’ve had a horse basically since I was a baby,” said McQueen, “But I started showing about four or five years ago.”

McQueen said there was no secret to her success, except the time she spends with her horse.

“I’m down at the barn basically every day,” she said. “Probably two hours a day.”

That time spent with her horse certainly paid off, with McQueen coming into the ring for the junior level showmanship competition and taking the blue ribbon. The junior level is for ages 13 and below, so McQueen herself was one of the oldest. That changed in the championship round, however, with the top three contestants of each category being invited back to compete for the trophy.

McQueen, of 4-H group T-birds, went on to win the championship and take home the trophy, winning out over some older contestants who had years more experience.

McQueen also took her horse to the state fair this year as well, where she represented Greene County by taking second place and winning three out of four classes of which she was a part.

This is McQueen’s last time participating in the Greene County Fair, as her family is moving to nearby Clark County. Nevertheless, McQueen said she fully intends to continue her winning streak next year at a different county fair.

Contact Ethan Charles at 937-502-4532.