Scott Halasz | Greene County News

Competitors in the poultry fancy show wait to be judged.

Scott Halasz | Greene County News

The novice class at the poultry showmanship drew 4-H kids of all ages. To be eligible, it had to be their first year showing. River Demmy-Stover (far left) was the winner.

Scott Halasz | Greene County News

This rabbit doesn’t look to hoppy, uh, happy.

Ethan Charles | Greene County News

Sheep showmanship judge Ryan Rush asks contestants about their technique.

Scott Halasz | Greene County News

“Um, a little help here.”

Scott Halasz | Greene County News

The poultry showmanship judge asks Ava Martin a question while she puts her duck in the cage.

Scott Halasz | Greene County News

Maggie Paris (left) talks to Enon Sparks while she brushes Oliver, her Holland Lop. Sparks, 9, is a member of Christian Clovers 4-H, while Paris, 13, is a member of Cedarville Hot Shots.

Ethan Charles | Greene County News

Even the smaller contestants work to get their sheep under control.

Ethan Charles | Greene County News

Sheep showmanship contestants eyeing the competition.

Ethan Charles | Greene County News

Some of the goats were more cooperative than others.

Ethan Charles | Greene County News

Judge Ryan Rush said this showmanship competition was one of the most competitive.

Steven Wright | Greene County News

The more around we go, the bigger the smiles get.

Steven Wright | Greene County News

Let’s get excited about doing some backflips.

Steven Wright | Greene County News

Could we be seeing the next county recruits?

Steven Wright | Greene County News

Daytime slides are all about fun.

Steven Wright | Greene County News

It’s hard not to have fun when at the fair.

Steven Wright | Greene County News

Thelma and Louise, or a couple of girls just riding down the highway?

Random photos from the Greene County Fair.